During Lent I'm sharing a series of thoughts and summaries from reading N.T. Wright's The Resurrection of the Son of God. They will be from the second half of the book dealing mostly with the New Testament Narratives...
Tertullian argues that God created the material world and humans with bodies and it was an excellent thing. He believed that God beautifully created human flesh, which is a ‘co-heir’ of the soul. He clarified that when Paul spoke negatively about the flesh he was speaking of the actions of the flesh not the substance of the flesh. About Paul’s statement flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom, Tertullian believes that it is not speaking against bodily resurrection but about the works and mindset of the flesh, which denies God and God’s ways. God will change the flesh without destroying the substance of the flesh. Tertullian believed the human body would be restored to perfection. Chapter Eleven, Page 511-2
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