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February 24, 2005



for this... no mocking...
for your ashley simpson purchase, there will always be great mocking. :-)


Ohh.. Mark that is brutal....

jon myers

dude you bought an ashley simpson album? that's just wrong.


it was a long time ago and I did it as an act of love and kindness for my teenage daughter... yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin to it.


Yeah Right Dad! You bought the CD on your own. and you keep begging me to go to her concert with you! :)


You're grounded!


Is Backstreet Boys still in your car cd changer, dad?


If you weren't married, you'd be grounded too. Anyway, Backstreet Boys are so yesterday... I'm into Chemical Romance...



I love it!


I love it - I'm laying in my bed, laughing out loud, reading this to Mimi - who, by the way, saw this movie with my daughter (who read the book) and raved and raved and raved about it. I'm going to go and see it, too. Let the waterworks commence. Jessica and Daniel rock, but not in a Ashlee Simpson/Backstreet Boys kind of way. Big grins.


Mike...dude...I can't believe you ratted me out online, bro!

Just kidding; actually, I thought the movie was fabulous. Of course, Mike and I are both kinda sappy, so I guess it makes sense that we like it. Some really cool spiritual themes in it, though. And great father-daughter moments. And community at its finest. "...and a little child shall lead them..."

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