Read this post by Jason Clark. It has resulted in much personal reflection during the last three days. First of all, I really love Sting and have been intrigued for years by his life journey and the artistic telling of his story. Secondly, I can relate, personally, to Sting's desire to be freed from the dysfunctional psychological trap he found himself in. Thirdly, I think it is time for many of us in the Emergent dialogue to admit we have the same addiction that Sting is talking about and help each other seek healthier, more grace filled ways to work out our theological, spiritual and life issues/frustrations. Thanks Jason, thanks Sting.
"The conceit is that to be relevant, you need to be angry or alienated or unhappy. I fell into the same trap and I'd literally manufacture opportunities when I could experience this stuff. It worked for a while, until one day I realised I was destroying myself." Sting