Torches illuminated the path that led to the shore of the lake as Vicki and I made our way to the sight of our evening worship experience. When we arrived young people lined the shore, sitting all over the dam. Aaron was playing the acoustic guitar accompanied by Paige on the violin – beautiful, peaceful. The sun was just setting behind the lake lined trees. We hadn’t seen the sun much that day as we were immersed in a slow gentle shower for most of the afternoon. It felt like the end of a wet summer day in Ireland. I noticed one lone star cautiously appearing in the sky. A growing fog-like mist began to rise off the water creating a surreal scene. Jamie Roach was facilitating this worship experience leading us through scripture focusing on three elements and metaphors for God – water, fire, wind. Water …but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty forever. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14 We were encouraged to make our way to the lake or to one of the many water receptacles to immerse our hands into the water to either drink, reminding us of the reality that Jesus truly satisfies our thirst; or to wash our hands, symbolizing our desire to have clean hands and a pure heart; or to put water on our head; to remember our baptism into the body of Christ. Fire The Lord went in front of them… to lead them along the way… a pillar of fire by night, to give them light… Exodus 13:21 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16 As Hebrews 12:29 was read "for indeed our God is a consuming fire." – a floating bonfire, out in the middle of the lake ignited, quickly shooting flames up into the darkening sky. The blazing fire floating on the water, enveloped by the fog hovering over the lake was – amazing. In a contemplative manner we sang Breathe Peace followed by several minutes of silence. The music stopped and silence fell over the crowd, lasting about 30 seconds before a new symphony arose. This time the musicians were Bullfrogs, Crickets, Whip-o-wills, an owl hooted off in the distance, bats flew overhead, and fish periodically jumped through the surface of the water – all as if they were waiting for their cue to participate in the worship of our Great God. I, along with the rest of the gathering along the shore, was a bit overwhelmed. I had noticed that even though the fire was now in full blaze, flames dancing into the night sky, I could not feel the warmth of what was obviously a very hot fire. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the reality that even when we don’t feel the warmth of God’s Presence, nor experience the physical manifestation of God’s nearness – God is here, God is ablaze breathing life into us, at work in the world ushering in the inbreaking Kingdom of God. Wind The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." John 3:8 The Hebrew word for wind is the same word for breath. God breathed into humankind the breath of life. We felt the gentle breezes and put our hands to our mouths to feel our warm breath on this chilly evening. The God of the Universe has breathed life into us. We felt God’s nearness. All around me young people; some on their knees, some standing with hands of receptivity raised to the heavens, some quietly sitting, a few prostrate on the ground – encountering the Presence of God, listening to the Holy Spirit, loving Jesus! During the three days of The Altar, lives were transformed, people fell more in love with Jesus, sin was confessed, and relationships strengthened. The Holy Spirit met us in laughter, song, play, conversation, prayer, silence, nature, sorrow, fear and joy – all of these emotions and actions turned into Sacred Space, a place and/or time when we touch the face of God and were more fully alive.