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September 30, 2005


moe didde

I'm reading this book "Walk On: the spiritual journey of U2." Bono describes how "his kingdom come" is too often overlooked and considered strictly a reference to Heaven/end times,whatever. Rather, should it not be as Jesus taught--to live life in a way that brings his kingdom down to earth NOW? All those things that you guys have said here are truths that we so easily stray from because we get so caught up in the afterlife (tho that is a tendency i sort of grew up in, so don't know how it connects with others.) This is also expressed in Brian McLaren's 3rd book of the "new kind of christian" trilogy. so i'm learning a lot about what you are all saying, and wondering if it would lead to "heaven on earth" so to speak...


I am really developing a fondness for Revelation 21... Heaven comes to earth. It is not about us going to heaven. Revelation 21:5 I am making all things new... It doesn't say I am making all new things. We are to engage with God's plan for the Renewal of all things Matthew 19. Rights need to be made right, the oppressed need to be set free, the crooked made straight, the creation stewarded and nurtured... yep, all that. Moe you are the bomb.


Good thoughts on both of these posts, guys... I didn't mean to say anything profound, but I'm glad it inspired you... We should get our pal, Jason Clark to step in and offer some insight. ;)

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