Chris Armstrong from Bethel Seminary writes an article entitled, Emergents, Meet Saints! The wave of the future needs the wisdom of the past. Here is an excerpt.
"Emergents are folks dissatisfied with the way a lot of evangelicals have been doing church, and they are exploring and suggesting alternatives. From the Emergents' perspective, the church today has become culturally stale and bland—speaking an out-of-touch conservative language to a post-Christian generation of young people who have never darkened the door of a church in their lives… The Emergents seem to me to have it right: No single program or rulebook can possibly speak to the hearts of this diversely gifted, diversely perceptive, and diversely wounded young generation who yearn for spiritual fulfillment yet deeply distrust "organized religion." We need to reassess—to find new models of creative ministries. Grace and peace to the Tender Twigs and Budding Tips of the Christian family tree—who draw strength from the Root, and now need also to draw strength from the Branches.”
As a Christian History and Thought graduate student I strongly agree with Chris.
Read whole article here.