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« Go Girls | Main | Golden Compass Controversy Part II »

December 03, 2007



Here is a resource for this conversation -

Dark Matter: Shedding Light on Philip Pullman’s Trilogy His Dark Materials by
Tony Watkins (InterVarsity Press).


A hearty amen! My goodness...I have had so many conversations about this "controversy" lately. I think we will cover it in the next podcast as well.

If only the Church would get as enraged about true injustice that takes place in our nation and the world as they do about this film.


I remember a few years ago when The Passion of the Christ came out and this was supposedly the greatest evangelistic tool of all time. Barna pointed out that the best he could find was anecdotal evidence that it made a difference.

Then more recently The Divinci Code was going to send the church into a tailspin...and we are still doing fine.

I agree...dialog is the way to go. This is a movie, nothing more and nothing less.

I would be curious if other pastors have been bombarded with e-mails about this movie? I have received more about this then I have about anything else recently. (All with the first sentence being, "I don't usually forward e-mails but, ...."


Hey Jeff,

It seems like the answer is yes - the spurt of e-mail warnings are rampant. As if the future of God's reign is about to be nudged into a tipping point of obscurity by Mr Pullman's fictional work.

Josh Fillingham

Thank you! Kristin and I have talked to a few Christians who are letting fear take them, and it is quite depressing. I think anything that encourages a healthy imagination is a great thing because I believe that God has the ultimate imagination.


Perfect love casts out fear...

Good to hear from you Josh. Tell Kristin hello.


Thanks for your post, Mike.

Jeff - I, too, have received several emails and Facebook group invitations encouraging me to join the boycott. I posted some thoughts about the movie recently on my blog along with some other helpful links.

eric reynolds

Thanks, Mike. I was waiting for this posting since we talked about this briefly at Jacob's Well on Sunday. I couldn't agree more with andy's comment above. We are using our voices and energies on the wrong things.


I too have received emails and facebook's on this. What concerns me is that a lot of those are from students and teen staff who are being told this is how we as Christ followers react and interact with things that hint at opposing our beliefs. I deeply resonated with that quote at the end of your post Mike. It really does seem to come down to perfect love cast out fear.


Here is a link to an article in Christianity Today entitled, "Fear Not The Compass."


Also, before someone bashes New Line Cinema for The Golden Compass and claims that they have an agenda against Christianity remember last year at this time they released The Nativity Story.


Our pastor mentioned during a sermon a few weeks ago that many people had warned him about the movie, but he was just passing along the information. And I think he had small children in mind with the warning. Thanks for sharing your philosophy on this kind of thing in general.

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