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May 07, 2008


Christy Gunter Leppert

Mike, the words you chose to describe this picture take my breath away.

Lord have mercy on us.

Christy Gunter Leppert

And one other comment, Mike, I am working on my own post at the moment about the idea that violence can be redemptive. Because it seems to me when we act violently towards a person (or people) we are really saying "you are beyond redemption." This post is a work in progress but keep watching for it.

Mike King

Hey Christy,

Thanks for you comments. I will look forward to your post.



Jeff King

Quite moving. It's too easy to simply think of victims as 'victims'--with no name, no face, no family, etc. But when you see pictures like this, you begin to realize how we are all in the same boat. Here is a family experiencing the worse nightmare any of us parents could imagine. The pain is indescribable. The victims have a name, a family, a face. The victims are each of us. May God have mercy. May His kingdom come, and His will be done, here on earth, now, as in heaven. May it come soon.

Mike King

Hey Jeff,

I agree... it brings a reality to something we try to put out of sight and out of mind. It is easy to keep this stuff out of sight, out of mind when people don't have faces.



Christy Gunter Leppert


I look forward to your comments.

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