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July 28, 2008


Steven Greene II

Mike- I am doing well, have came on as a Student Ministries Director in Topeka, and am preparing for an upcomming 3 week trip to Turkey with my Uncle. It is good to see you you were able to knock out 3 posts in one morning! I hope your well too. You going to Coldplay in November or what?!? Keep posting!!!!


cool new development - youth ministry is the place for you. I have great seats for Coldplay, I scored some Bob Dylan tickets also.


oh, and Turkey is in my top five for future trips. They suffered a terrorist attack yesterday... Haven't heard any details.

Steven Greene II

After the life changing trip to Israel, I couldn't wait to travel to another middle eastern country. How many times have you traveled there? I am going to guess 3! :-)


Turkey - 0


I some how read it as favorite instead of future, my bad.

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