I clearly remember Johnny Carson’s last Tonight Show episode. It was quite moving when Bette Midler sang him off the air. I haven’t been a big fan of Jay Leno. I much prefer David Letterman. But I did record and watch Jay’s last Tonight Show. His monologue was funny. Jay Walking is always a hoot and Conan as a guest was brilliant. I will be conflicted now with Conan and Letterman going head to head. James Taylor singing Sweet Baby James is American Classic. But the testimony of Jay Leno’s classy superiority over Carson emerged in the final minutes of the show as he genuinely thanked his entire team, most who had been with him for 17 years. He became visibly emotional when he thanked his wife who has faithfully “danced with him” through his 17 years on the show. Leno then turned his attention to one of his staff that had a baby just days into his Tonight Show run. He had the 17-year-old girl come on stage. He proceeded to run down a list of all the Tonight Show staff that met through the show, got married and had children. Leno opened the curtain to show all 68 children born to Tonight Show staff. He closed by saying that this is what he wanted his legacy to be. With an emotion-laden voice he declared, “When people ask these children where their parents met, they will say my parents met on the stage of the Tonight Show.” Class Act.