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June 15, 2009



I wonder if someone could elaborate more on this issue. For me this issue, "torture being seen as permissable by over half of evangelicals" is more about the framework in which they construct ethics if anything else. I think to some extent that many evangelicals operate out of a utlitarian framework in which they can see torture beeing acceptable (a lesser evil) if it meant stoping a more significant terroist attack (a greater evil). Obviously this view is slippery at best, and we as a community especially evangelicals need a holistic model of the doctrine of humanity that includes, tortue, abortion, euthanasia, capitol punishment, war etc. Instead of taking a salad bar approach in which we abhor one type of violent behavior toward human life while approving another.


Well stated Steve. I couldn't agree more.


Unfortunately I have more questions then I do answers in regard to this issue.

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