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August 06, 2009


Zach Van Dyke

Thanks for posting this article, Mike.

As a youth pastor, I'm so sick of sex. I really am. I am sick of "how far is too far?", oral sex being the new "kissing" and I am without question sick of the Jonas brothers and their rings!!! But this article re-engaged me in the conversation.

The greatest act of grace in my life (besides God taking on flesh and becoming my sin so that I could become His righteousness) is Him giving me my wife. I fell in love with her in 5th grade and married her at twenty. Although we both fantasize about being single from time to time, we've been able to experience marriage in way that many in our culture today don't. Thanks for the reminder. I needed to read that today!

So glad it's all about grace.


You are welcome Zach and thanks for sharing a little of your story. My wife and I got married at the age of 18 during Christmas break my first year of college. That was almost 34 years ago and we are still madly in love.



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