Sarah Pulliam Bailey of Christianity Today interviewed Entertainment Weekly's Jeff Jensen about the end of Lost. Jensen is a Christian and talks about "Lost" reminding him of "The Great Divorce" by C. S. Lewis. The interview happened before the finale. I love Jensen's take on the nature of "Lost" as story that is not meant to be neatly explained.
My theory is that Christians who read and respect Scripture as Sacred Text, who believe that it is not meant to be a tidy collection of propositions because it is a living Word and who love the depth of Scripture as narrative are the ones who loved how Lost ended (without all the answers clearly given). What do you think about that theory? Am I crazy. I miss "Lost" already.
Here is an excerpt from the article.
"I am different from a lot of other Lost
fans. People want answers. They want Lost
to put specific names to all sorts of philosophical concepts and themes
that are swirling in the text and subtext of the show as metaphors or
abstract ideas. The producers have made it clear that they're not going
to do that. One of the most polarizing episodes, "Across the Sea," made
it clear that Lost is going to explain
itself metaphorically through story. It wants to be studied. It wants to
be a text that people enter into, find clues and ideas, and apply them
to all of Lost and come to these answers