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November 01, 2010


Jesse Blasdel

Thanks for hosting a great day! Definitely some challenges in how we go about helping students form identity. I love the idea of encouraging and facilitating students wrestling with God, but that sometimes ends up feeling pretty scary as a youth pastor who is supposed to "be in charge". It's hard to help parents understand this idea if they thought my basic role was teen babysitter and then I go and allow doubt and questions about God to come to the surface.

Thanks for allowing space for conversation. Definitely worth the drive from Hutch!

Mike King

Hey Jesse,

Excellent comment Jesse. You are spot on with the challenging reality youth pastors are faced with. It can't be approached without discernment, intentionality and good discernment. I wish we had time to connect. Let me know the next time you are in KC so we can spend some time together.



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