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December 17, 2010



I saw this, this morning. The last sentence really got to the heart of the issue that Colbert is exposing.

Mike King

Hey Andy,

I know. It's pretty convicting.


ouch...if you do &
ouch...if you don't


I don't disagree with anything Colbert said, but I want to add this to the conversation. I think it's a really important counterpoint to the Social Justice wave.


Adam, I appreciate that link to McKnight and I don't think even Colbert would disagree with it, good Catholic catechism teacher that he is. It's interesting then that conservatives oftentimes say that it's not the government's job to take care of the poor, but that of the church. The case of Denmark seems to suggest that public policy can indeed eliminate poverty. Does Jesus then condemn the church in Denmark for being so incompetent that the government has to do the "church's job"? Does he gesture towards the stellar examples of how the American evangelical church alleviates poverty through limited government and charity as a better alternative for the Danes so that "God gets the glory"?

Aaron Lynn

Great statement. Posted the same video on my FB.

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