The public outcry following the verdict of the Zimmerman trial last summer exposed anew the pain and reality of the highly racialized society we live in. Our churches and our youth ministries are not exempt from these patterns of racial isolation. Beginning at 8:30 am on November 12, Dr. Brandon Winstead will address the historical, social and cultural issues that have shaped the realities of youth ministry and race in the US. In a second session, Dr. Winstead will lead a panel discussion with other scholars and ministry leaders regarding the implications and future this reality holds for ministry among youth. We will conclude at 11:30am.
Keynote: Dr. Brandon Winstead
Panelists: Rev. Montague Williams, Dr. Claire Smith, Rev. David Gilmore and our very own Youthfront staff member Kurt Rietema
November 12, 2013
Co-Sponsored by Youthfront