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Advent 2013: Journey To The Manger
The word advent means the coming or arrival of something important. Advent is the season when the church celebrates the coming or arrival of Jesus. The Advent Season is all about anticipating the arrival of "God with us" as a human being born in Bethlehem. Traditionally, Advent is celebrated on the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Youthfront invites you to join us during this Advent season by participating in this Journey to the Manger, a guide available to you through download.
Suggestions for observing Advent together as a family:
1. Create the right atmosphere. On Sunday night, turn down the lights, light some candles and play some soft Christmas music. Gather your family together in a comfortable room and sit close together.
2. Go through the appropriate week's lesson provided in this guide.
a. Set up the manger scene as described for that week
b. Read the assigned Scripture with quiet enthusiasm. Consider taking turns reading each time.
c. Select some questions that seem to be most appropriate for your family and discuss them together.
d. Engage in the activity together. Be sure to read through the activity beforehand so that you are prepared. (Note - week 2 the activity is before the Scripture reading and discussion).
e. Read the closing prayer.
f. Sing a Christmas song together.
3. Enjoy a favorite family snack together. Consider choosing a snack that is usually enjoyed only during the holidays. Over the years it is fun to see how your family comes to associate that snack with Advent and Christmas.
The most important thing to remember is that being together is the most important thing! Don't try or expect to create the perfect evening (especially if you have a two year old or an adolescent!) It is not about perfection but being present to God and one another. Expect that there will be fidgeting, bizarre questions, distractions and maybe even some fighting. That is all OK. Know that what you are doing matters deeply and will be remembered. It will shape and form your family for years to come.