Over the last several years, I, and Youthfront have recieved criticism for challenging young people to cooperate with God's Mission in the world to bring restoration and redemption as a significant part of their Christian Formation. Doing works of mercy and justice have been criticised as being a replacement for evangelism. I can't begin to tell you how often we've heard a label of "social justice" attached to us as a criticism. Most of the time, I've, we (Youthfront) absorb the criticism and continue to do what God has called us to do. But, to be honest, it often stings because it comes sometimes from friends, or former staff of alumni who want things to stay how "they used to be." For sure, I, we no longer train young people to engage in evangelism that starts the narrative with the fall of humanity into sin. The story starts with God creating human beings in the image of God and that is good news. Yes, the story includes the sinful fall of human beings. We are all broken and in need of the work of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who brings redemptions and ultimately the restoration of all things. We who know Christ are called to cooperate with God's movement to bring about the restoration of all things - our broken relationship with God, our own broken relationship with ourselves, our broken relationship with others and our broken relationship with the entire cosmos. Fortunately, those who have been critical because they believe their culturally shaped understanding of Christianity is the "only truth" are being exposed more and more as having a theology that is more nationalistically and politically inspired. Those who are embracing a more robust understanding of Gospel and the life of Jesus Christ who believe that Jesus didn't come just to get us into heaven when we die but to pick up our cross (not a democrat cross or a republican cross, and certainly not a rich cross or an American cross) and follow Jesus, bearing witness to the good news, to love mercy, do justice and walk humbly with our God. This gospel is one that young people are willing to give their lives to, and YES, they are engaged in evangelism. Here is the just released data from the BARNA Group. Take note, "Millennials are the only generation among whom evangelism is significantly on the rise."
All that follows in the rest of this post is from the Barna Group from their report on The Most Evangelistic Generation.
They've been called "the social justice generation," and for good reason—Millennials are actively taking up the cause of the poor, the oppressed, the orphan and the widow. Yet the most common critique leveled at this surge in social compassion is that it comes at a great expense. Sure, skeptics argue, they might feed the hungry and free the captives in this life, but what about the next? According to this view, Millennials are elevating physical needs over spiritual needs and forgoing evangelism altogether. Yet the latest Barna research reveals this is not the case. In fact, in answer to the question of evangelism on the rise or in decline, Millennials are a rare case indeed. While the evangelistic practices of all other generations have either declined or remained static in the past few years, Millennials are the only generation among whom evangelism is significantly on the rise. Their faith-sharing practices have escalated from 56% in 2010 to 65% in 2013. Not only that, but born again Millennials share their faith more than any other generation today. Nearly two-thirds (65%) have presented the Gospel to another within the past year, in contrast to the national average of about half (52%) of born again Christians.