My friend Ethan Bryan has just released a book entitled, Jesus is for Losers. Ethan is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. I thought I had it tough when I started losing my hair in my mid-thirties. Ethan lost all his hair when he was in grade school. That can't be easy. It could even make you feel like a loser. No matter how a person might believe him/herself a "loser," Ethan reminds us that Jesus is FOR Losers.
Ethan's book proceeds are all going to Coldwater which is a non-profit that provides a free food pantry, clothes closet, and backsnack program for children in Jackson County, MO.
Ethan is also a wonderful youth pastor that truly knows how to be a place-sharer with young people who believe that are hopeless losers. Ethan knows how to stay with the kids and not go away. Order Here
Here are a couple of endorsements for Jesus is for Losers.
Ethan Bryan has written a fast paced, readable, practical, personal book on what it means to follow Jesus…today…in America. At times this book caused me to take a “gut check” and created discomfort (in a very good way). At other times it caused me to smile and say to God, “Yes, I want to live like that.” I recommend this book and hope many will read it.
Daniel Vestal
Executive Coordinator
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Ethan Bryan and Nash High may be the victims of unfortunate timing...or perhaps fortunate timing. While I read Jesus is for Losers I kept hearing Charlie Sheen’s voice in my head shouting “Winning!” Now, we all know that word, spoken that way comes with a big dose of sarcasm. “Winning” means anything but. As I read I found myself trying to come up with a one word slogan to go along with the book. ”Losing!” Doesn’t work. I thought of FAIL with the inverted “L” placed on the forehead...perhaps that is closer.
One of the great lessons of the book, to me, is the phrase...”Then Jesus...” Just those two words. When these two words show up in our lives everything changes.
Peter and John were just doing their jobs, then Jesus...
Levi was despised and hated and couldn’t get the time of day from most people, then Jesus...
I was as far down as a person could get...on my knees in a filthy parking lot in the pouring rain, screaming out my anger at God...then Jesus...
Those three dots after Jesus are vitally important in this conversation.
Jesus is for the losers. When the winner is being carried off the field on the shoulders of the fans...Jesus has his hand on the guy who threw the intercepted pass.
When prom king and queen are getting their picture taken for the yearbook AGAIN! Jesus is sitting by the girl who wishes someone would text her...she’d even take a wrong number...just to have the company.
Bryan and High not only ask us to turn the whole winner/loser thing upside down but to re-evaluate what it means to live in a competitive environment. Our culture asks us to compete because that is where our self-worth comes from. Losers says, not so much.
Bryan and Nash also provide discussion questions. Jesus is for Losers would make a great curriculum for Youth school classes or one of those let’s-meet-at-Starbucks young adult groups. It is a series of well written, well thought out lessons that will be pushed aside as naive by some but if embraced by a few will change the lives of many.
I’ve been working with teenagers as a career for nearly 25 years. Losers will be a part of my ministry. It will hold a place on my bookshelf...not the shelf where I keep books that people expect me to own...but the shelf with the books I will actually use to teach.
Steve Case is the author of many books including: The Book of Uncommon Prayer, Everything Counts, and God is Here. Case is an insightful youth ministry veteran who lives in Florida with his wife, Becky, and his two children, Aprille and Eric. In recent years, Case has been travelling and speaking to youth in a plethora of venues. He can be found at:
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